Labor Issues and the Obama Administration
主讲人:Emily Spieler教授 东北大学法学院院长
Emily Spieler is Dean and Edwin W. Hadley Professor of Law at Northeastern University School of Law. Dean Spieler is an expert in labor and employment law. During the winter of 2008-2009, she served on President Obama's transition team for the Department of Labor. She has also served on the National Academy of Social Insurance Steering Committee on Workers' Compensation; on the National Academies Committee on Health and Safety Needs of Older Workers; as chair of the US Department of Energy Worker Advocacy Advisory Committee regarding implementation of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000; and on the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Institute for Work and Health (Toronto). She is a fellow of the American Bar Foundation, ex-officio member of the American Law Institute, and fellow and member of the board of governors of the College of Workers' Compensation Lawyers.
美国东北大学(Northeastern University)成立于1898年,是美国最大的私立大学之一。主校园占地67英亩,位于波士顿市,紧邻著名的哈佛大学和麻省理工学院。东北大学由6所大学本科学院(包括70个专业)、9所研究生与职业学院和2所半日制学校组成。全日制本科学生1.4万多人,半日制本科生4000多人,全日制研究生有2700人,半日制研究生有1400多人。全职的教职员工830人。在校的国际学生占学生总数的7%,与哈佛大学的国际学生比例相同。